

Metal dress / Metalowa sukienka


I like this drawing very much. I used to be so fond of old fashion princess dresses and seems some of that love stayed within my heart. I will make huge sculpture like that one day. One day... Well, first I need to learn how to solder and have a place where to do it, but, Im sure the time will come :)

Bardzo lubie ten rysunek. Kiedys mialam lekkiego fola na punkcie sukienek z krynolinami i wyglada na to, ze ta milosc pozostala w moim sercu. W przyszlosci mam zamiar uczynic rzezbe wzorowana na tym rysynku. Tak, pewnego dnia... Najpierw bede musiala nauczyc sie spawania (co moze sie udac z pomoca mojego taty-majsterkowicza) i bede musiala znalesc miejsce gdzie taka wielka rzezbe poplenie. Ten czas napewno nadejdzie. :)


donna enticknap said...

you need to make yourself this dress. you need hula-hoops and those rolls of film ross gave you.
do it do it do it

rudy lis said...

I have a concept how to do that dress just with wire, so it can be fold, I would need to construct human figure to do it on it. hmmm.... What if I go to some clothes shop and ask if they have spare, unwanted manequin? :D