

Variations on folk theme / Wariacje na temat folku

It started from making sketch of a dog, which supposed to be an ornament on a pillow... I got a bit carried away and that is what come out from my first plan. It took me quite a long time, as I have choosen to watch a movie (s) and draw (very uncomftable on me knee) in the same time... I think I should have designated time for drawings ect and time for entertainment, but vita brevis hey ho!

Zaczelo sie od rysunku psa, ktory mial sluzyc jako wykroj na ozdobe na poduszke... Coz, troche sie w tym rysowaniu zagubilam i zagonilam i oto co powstalo z pierwotnego planu. Ten rysunek zajal mi troche czasu, poniewaz rysowalam na kolanie i ogladalam filmy w tym samym czasie... Chyba powinnam wyznaczyc sobie czas na rysunki ect i osobno na rozrywke, ale coz, zycie jest krotkie vita brevis!


donna enticknap said... ars longa!

my favourite face today is the lady in pink with the hearts.

and now i'm always looking for hidden secret messages in your drawings.

rudy lis said...

et is! :)
I usually try to put hidden messages, or sometimes they appear by accident, so have your eyes open :)
I see I got a bit influanced by watching documentaries about ancient alines and celestial beings and my dog obviously.

Anonymous said...

it´s full of fantasy ;D
